Friday, November 2, 2012

Strike a pose!

This bird is the Snowy Egret.  I first saw this bird on the beach around March 2012 I believe, and I was struck by it's funny behavior on the shore and it's orange feet!!!  Today when I saw this bird he seemed to follow me as if he wanted his picture taken lol....this picture he is definitely striking a pose but I also got a few pictures of him looking straight at me lol!  He was quite hilarious!  Anywho the Snowy Egret is known for their black legs and orange feet.  The Snowy Egret also has a reason for it's odd behavior in the surf.  I learned that they will put out their wings and stoop a little to fool the fish in the surf to think they are safe in the shade and that is when the Snowy Egret snatches them!  Certainly funny after I was laughing making fun of their jerky spastic behavior only to learn it is quite genius lol :)

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