Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall is here!

I'm so excited fall is here because that means lots of birding opportunities!  Especially in Florida with all the cold fronts we get you will start to see lots of birds right before the cold fronts.  The actual birding term for that is "Fallout".  For instance yesterday we were having a cold front come through and there were tons of birds flying all around!!!  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a photo but I was able to see Red Cardinals, Carolina Wrens, and a newcomer.....the Tufted Titmouse!  Please look the Tufted Titmouse up because they are adorable!  I believe there were other finches flying around but again I wasn't able to see all of them.  I was happy to see so many types of birds and I look forward to trying to capture some on film soon for all of you fellow bird nerds!!!! 

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