Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Adult Little Blue Heron....come on down!!!!

No this bird did not win a prize on The Price Is Right:)  However, the Adult Little Blue Heron won his debut on my blog.....let's give him a big hand:)  The first picture shows a close up of his face which is an important piece of identifying.  *Note: I am using 'his' for the purpose of this post because male and female look the same; if you'd rather use 'she' please feel free:)  The shape of his beak and the color of the eyes are important factors for birding.  I figured he is either a heron or an egret but I wasn't sure and the color of the eye helped alot.  The middle picture is his whole body to show the coloring of his feathers and his leg color which again help in identification.  The third picture on the right shows his feeding behavior, which I was luckily able to catch him flipping the piece of fish in his mouth.  'To the victor goes the spoils'.....he had won that piece of fish from a small Snowy Egret that was also on the dock that day:)

Some interesting facts I learned:  The reason I name it as Adult Little Blue Heron is because it is important to note that only the adult of this breed is actually this blueish grey color with light maroon head and neck!  The young Little Blue Herons are actually white feathered with dark tips, dull green legs, and their beak is light blue with a black tip.  I am still shocked that birds can change their feather color so drastically given age or season!  Happy Birding:)

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