Thursday, December 6, 2012

These feet were made for walking....

A few posts back I showed the Snowy Egret and how they are easy to identify because of their orange/yellow feet and black legs.  Well when I was at a local park and boating ramp (Bing's Landing) this fellow was quite interested in the fish my dad, brother, and I were filleting!  I took a few pictures of him but I wanted a close up of his feet to further illustrate how striking this feature is!  It is very important to identifying him because if the whole leg and foot were black then it would most likely be a Great White Heron (or Great Egret as they are sometimes called).  The Great White Heron is bigger but if you are birding and you see them quickly flying by you can be sure it is a Snowy Egret by those orange/yellow feet and mostly black legs:)  Hope y'all are having a wonderful birding week:)

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