Friday, December 21, 2012

A great day at sea!

As promised there they are and all their majesty lol...a huge flock of Ring-Billed Gulls have certainly come into town!  They were having a grand ole time diving and catching fish.  Then I guess they wanted to take a rest and regroup....perhaps gossip?  Either way I've never seen so many just sitting out there at one time; it was quite comical.

There have been many cold fronts lately that have caused mini-fallouts and many finches have come into town.  I have yet to identify them because they are so fast and I really need better binoculars (shameful I know)....I also saw a Tern hanging out with some Ring-Billed Gulls today which is odd because I did not expect him until next month at least.  I will post a picture of him and have some fun facts for y'all soon!  Happy Birding and Merry Christmas! :)

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