Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Hello my fellow birders I apologize for the delay in posts but with family and the holidays I did not get around to posting.  I have tried to squeeze some birding in and today I saw something very interesting.....
My mom and I were outside on our porch when we heard all this birding commotion.  I saw many seagulls flying in circles, which is odd, and heard lots of calls.  I'd never heard such other than being at a zoo so I decided to go investigate.  I joked saying "do you think they are congregating in one of our ponds?"  Lol well sure enough they were indeed!  I'm not sure if it's mating season or if there were good fish in that pond today or what.  The video above shows the magnitude of how many were flying around.  Right after they flew around a bit they would go back to sitting in a group and calling...very strange.  I will research and get back to y'all in the new year.
Birders I  would also like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and remember a new year means a new birding cycle so get out there!  Maybe you can compete in the Big Year never know!

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