Sunday, November 18, 2012

While I wait for the weather to clear....

While waiting for our crazy weather to clear I came across this picture I took a year and a half ago while I lived in Tavares, FL.  This is a Red Shoulder Hawk.  This particular one was constantly stalking our neighborhood and unfortunately we think it was in search of the many squirrels and pigeons :/  However, it is the circle of life and the hawk has to eat just like the rest of us lol.  Anywho the Red Shoulder Hawk is really a beautiful bird.  The striping on the stomach and the wings are also multi-colored with brown, black, and white.  While looking up more facts on this bird I learned that the Florida Red Shoulder Hawks are more paler than the Western ones.  Apparently the Western ones are more redder.  The Red Shoulder Hawk is very common in Florida.  I have seen them many times here in Palm Coast just haven't had an opportunity for a picture like this one in Tavares.  Wishing y'all much birding fun! :)

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