Thursday, October 25, 2012

Footprints in the sand....

Alright fellow bird nerds I need some help with this one.  I just spent probably the last hour comparing my picture to pictures in my bird books and online!  I chose this picture from my walk on the beach today because I love how the footprints show up behind the bird:)  It was also one of the only birds today to cooperate and turn towards me and the light lol:) 

So....I thought I had this bird identified as the winter plumage Black-Bellied Plover (most likely female because of the lack of black on the feathers) but alas I cannot be sure that it also could be a winter plumage Sanderling!!  It's driving me nuts!  However, I did find out that Sanderlings do not have a hind toe but I cannot tell if there is a hind toe on this bird.  I think there is but I wanted to be sure before writing all about the differences between the two birds:)  Can't wait to hear your opinions!  Thanks for your help:)

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