Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Backyard Birding

Today as I was outside on my porch I heard some rustling of the leaves and was pleasantly surprised to see not only a few carolina wrens fluttering about but also a male and female red cardinal enjoying themselves in harmony with the wrens :)  I, and other birders, often refer to the male and female cardinal as Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal :)  Oh I wish I had my camera because it was so cute seeing all of them congregate peacefully.

Red cardinals have many songs but after hearing them a couple of times you can pick out their tone from other birds.  The males will usually be up at the top of a tree singing away.  Sometimes I hear them but can't find them because they are so high up.  The males are bright red and their female companions are brown and grey with only a little red.  I believe they are here year round but they seem to be more common when it starts to get near winter.

Red cardinals are neat because as I mentioned earlier they pair off as Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal during breeding season.  They are monogamous so if you are able to see the male because of his bright colors you can usually be sure his "lady friend" is not far behind :)

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