Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!! :)

Well I'm back from an awesome weekend but unfortunately I don't have any birds to show that are scary or have anything to do with halloween:(  However I did see a certain bird on my trip that I haven't seen in a while.....please let me introduce...Mr. Sandhill Crane!!!....

This picture was actually taken in January 2010 but this weekend my trip was lousy with them!  I first encountered this creature in Gainesville, FL when I was at college.  They usually showed up around beginning of winter and would leave by end of spring.  They have, to me, an extremely obnoxious call especially when they are all together! Lol, but I did encounter them again when I lived in Groveland, FL and Tavares, FL.  Groveland is about 30-40 minutes west of Orlando, FL and Tavares is about 50 minutes northwest of Orlando, FL.  They are pretty amazing to see in person just because they are quite big!  The average height is around 2-4 ft!!  They are quite peaceful and just mind their business digging into the ground for bugs but my goodness you definitely know when they migrate into your area.  Here is a site that you can hear their just delightful call lol :)  All in all they are definitely a neat bird to see just because of their size and the really vibrant red forehead.   Again hope y'all had a Happy and safe Halloween!!! :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

This bird has flown the coop!

Hey all my bird nerds!  I am out of town hanging with my big brother, a bird of a different color, as he put it:)  I will continue posting more interesting bird pictures and posts next week!  Hope y'all have a great weekend:)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Footprints in the sand....

Alright fellow bird nerds I need some help with this one.  I just spent probably the last hour comparing my picture to pictures in my bird books and online!  I chose this picture from my walk on the beach today because I love how the footprints show up behind the bird:)  It was also one of the only birds today to cooperate and turn towards me and the light lol:) 

So....I thought I had this bird identified as the winter plumage Black-Bellied Plover (most likely female because of the lack of black on the feathers) but alas I cannot be sure that it also could be a winter plumage Sanderling!!  It's driving me nuts!  However, I did find out that Sanderlings do not have a hind toe but I cannot tell if there is a hind toe on this bird.  I think there is but I wanted to be sure before writing all about the differences between the two birds:)  Can't wait to hear your opinions!  Thanks for your help:)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Backyard Birding

Today as I was outside on my porch I heard some rustling of the leaves and was pleasantly surprised to see not only a few carolina wrens fluttering about but also a male and female red cardinal enjoying themselves in harmony with the wrens :)  I, and other birders, often refer to the male and female cardinal as Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal :)  Oh I wish I had my camera because it was so cute seeing all of them congregate peacefully.

Red cardinals have many songs but after hearing them a couple of times you can pick out their tone from other birds.  The males will usually be up at the top of a tree singing away.  Sometimes I hear them but can't find them because they are so high up.  The males are bright red and their female companions are brown and grey with only a little red.  I believe they are here year round but they seem to be more common when it starts to get near winter.

Red cardinals are neat because as I mentioned earlier they pair off as Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal during breeding season.  They are monogamous so if you are able to see the male because of his bright colors you can usually be sure his "lady friend" is not far behind :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

I first saw this majestic creature during last winter and I almost crashed my car because it is so amazing in person. I have seen many woodpeckers in my life but never one so huge!!! This bird almost seems prehistoric! Normal woodpeckers usually tap the tree with their beak and their whole body moves but this Pileated Woodpecker swings it’s head back and pecks much louder with it’s beak than a normal woodpecker. It has large talons on it’s massive feet that move down the tree like a lumberjack. Truly a spectacular bird. This is the only picture I’ve been able to get of it so far but I hope to see more as fall and winter approach :)

Ring-Billed Gull

Mr. Ring-Billed Gull was very photogenic this day:)  In Palm Coast, FL these types of gull don't come around other than winter.  Also as I learned they only have that speckled grey color on their head during the winter!  I wasn't aware til recently that birds feathers change color during certain months!

"For the love of birds"

I’ve wanted to write a blog for a long time but could not figure out what to write about other than my opinions of the day which I could imagine would get quite boring. Fortunately today inspired an idea. As fall approaches here in Florida I am reminded of my favorite past time….Bird Watching. Sooo many birds come “into town” especially during fall and I love taking pictures of them and identifying them. I hope to make this blog enjoyable from the newest of birders to the more seasoned birder, or people just wanting to learn more about birds or the hobby of birding. I know I certainly have more to learn about it so come fly with me :)