Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No Laughing Matter

 Actually for this bird most of it's life is a laughing matter.  The Laughing Gull got it's name for a very good and obvious reason....it's call sounds like it is laughing.  Also this gull's markings make it easy to spot.  In the first picture the dark wings almost make it look like a Great Black Backed Gull, however if you look closely the wings are dark grey except the tips, not fully black like the Great Black Backed Gull. Also the Great Black Backed Gull has a white head and orange/yellow beak.  More importantly the Laughing Gull has an unmistakable black mask covering it's head with a little white right around the eye.

The second shot I was able to get was quite challenging.  The Laughing Gull was circling and diving around us hoping to snag one of the fish we caught.  It had competition with a very feisty Royal Tern and a cautious but determined
Great Blue Heron.  I had to snap several shots to get the Laughing Gull straight on like this.  Luckily the wonders of modern technology with a digital camera taking many shots does not end up with a waste of money on film like the old days but I was able to find one that was clear.

The Laughing Gull is a nice change-up with the other gulls that frequent our beaches here in the winter.  Their distinctive pattern and call make for a easy and enjoyable check mark on the ole birding life list :)  Looking forward to the new birds that come in the Spring and Summer months.  Happy Birding :)

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