Monday, February 11, 2013

American Robin

Hello Birders!  This picture was taken last year when a ginormous flock of birds came through our neighborhood!  First I saw a few in St. Augustine while my family and I were walking around the historic streets, however I wasn't sure what they were.  It wasn't until a few days later I noticed a large amount of birds flying all through our trees and neighborhood!  I finally caught a clear glimse and sure enough it was the American Robin.  Truly beautiful birds but I must admit at the time I thought I was in the Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds"!  Lol!  I was pleased (and relieved lol) to find out they were migrating then.  So this weekend going to and from work I noticed a large group of birds and this morning I saw that they were the American Robins!  They are back!  I didn't think it was the Robins because it seems a little early however this year it is a fairly short and warmer winter for Florida coupled with the horrible snowy blizzard weather in the northeast that perhaps the birds might migrate a little early this year. 

On another note I am pleased to announce my new job is going well and has proved to have quite a bonus....I had mentioned that I am able to get some birding done during my working hours but I had no idea how much!  Just this weekend I saw the following:  American Robin, a small woodpecker (that I have yet to identify), Pileated Woodpecker, Red Cardinal, Red Shoulder Hawk, Turkey Vulture, Great Blue Heron, Great White Heron ( Great White Egret, Great Egret, etc.), Mockingbird, Carolina Wren, and oodles of little Finches that I wish I could have seen better to accurately identify them.  It's been such a blessing to not only have a job but to have a job that I don't feel bad going to work on a beautiful day because I'm outside and can observe all the beautiful birds :) 

Anywho, I hope everyone has a great week!  Happy Birding :)

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