Monday, January 31, 2022

Mr. Eastern Bluebird On My Shoulder...


Or more accurately on my roof top :) Regardless I saw this beautiful Eastern Bluebird today right before sunset. The lighting does not do him justice but he is absolutely gorgeous! I first noticed his song...I could only see his body shape but not his colors but if you have ever heard an Eastern Bluebird their song is quite beautiful and unique.  Definitely gives you a zip-a-dee-do-dah vibe 😉  A few facts about the Eastern Bluebird they are a year-round bird in most of Florida except the southeastern quadrant. The Eastern Bluebird I saw today, that is posted above, is a male. As with most birds the males coloring is quite a bit brighter and more vibrant than females. They have a similar rust color on their chest like their cousin the American Robin but the blue on their back, wings, and heads are what make them stand out. They eat insects and fruit and mommy and daddy bird share feeding duties of their fledglings. I hope to see more of this charming bird and will be soon posting much more often since these past winter seasons have brought quite a lot of new birds that has made this bird nerd quite excited 🤓